Roofscaping Mississauga

A fictional project made for my university thesis; the aim of Roofscaping Mississauga was to bring awareness to the idea of installing green roofs on new condo developments in Mississauga. This project included a website, mobile app, a magazine, and marketing materials such as: flyers, web ads, door hangers, billboards, and scaffolding advertisements.

Online Element

I created the website to be fun and informative about green roofs and the positive effect they have on the environment.
The mobile app would let you find local green spaces, as well as calculate how much resources would be saved if there were more green roofs in the area.

Developers Magazine

The Developers Magazine would be targeted towards condo developers, but also be accessible for the general public. The document would show the benefits of a green roof, how they are installed and what plant life to use.

Promotional Items

The whole idea of this fictional campaign was to spread awareness about green roofing. I produced a variety of different promotional items to be distributed in the neighbourhood of the upcoming condo. I wanted to advertise to both the local residents and condo developers.