Campaign Materials

In In 2014 and 2018, I was a graphic designer for the Ontario Liberal Party. Our team created all the design materials needed to run a campaign. We made hundreds of items including: printed materials, social media content, inter-office materials and promotional items.

Candidate Cards

Going into the election we developed a postcard-sized handout that could be customized to fit the needs of the 100+ candidates. This template was later adapted into social media shareables.

Online Elements

In the 2018 Campaign we utilized social media and online elements like never before. We produced hundreds of items specially made for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, micro sites, paid online advertising and targeted donation emails.

2018 Multi-language Platform Brochures

In 2018 we developed a brochure outlining the proposed platform and budget for the Ontario Liberal Party. The party wanted to make it as accessible as possible, so it was translated and designed into 13 languages.

Every Campaign Needs Buttons

Security Badges

2014 Platform Brochures

I started with the Liberal Party on the 2014 Ontario Provincial Campaign. One of the first projects I worked on was a series of brochures describing the proposed Liberal Platform and budget. These brochures were developed to make the budget easy to understand and more accessible to everyday voters.